Reseach Articles
Foundational research with big thinkers on Intelligence, Assessment and "Success"

Think Tank on the Future Assessment Report 1

Think Tank on the Future of Assessment Report 2

Journal of Educational Psychology:
Are SSATs and GPA Enough?
A Theory-Based Approach to Predicting Academic Success in Secondary School

Journal of Psychological Assessment:
The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Predicting Academic Trajectories of High School Students in a Selective Private School

Watch RD3 videos on character strengths, and human development to better understand how we help develop high impact students of strong character and charting their educational journey by supporting Students, Families, Educational Partners, Teams & Schools.
Developmental Advice Part 1
Sir Ken Robinson TED TALK:
Bring on the Learning Revolution
What is your Character Plan?
Developmental Advice Part 2
ESPN's Scott Van Pelt:
commentary on preparing children

Podcasts & Audio Files
Relevant podcast interviews, guest spots and more discussing character strengths, education, and personal development.

Character Counts (in the admission process)
Brought to you by the Character Collaborative: Conversations with admission & enrollment management leaders around elevating character in the admission process to college and secondary school.

We Admit! Achieving Character Growth with Ray Diffley
Through two decades of experience in independent schools, Ray Diffley recognizes the importance of forming, creating, and improving upon a child's character throughout their K-12 years. Learn how a series of "go to grow" moments led to his meaningful work at RD3 Education & Advising Center.