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The RD3 Character and Education Advising Center

in partnership with SNF

The RD3 Character Center was created to support the families and students we work with in character development and educational advising. Our goal is to use this facility to provide ongoing programs and support for both students and families as they navigate through key developmental stages and steps on their educational path. 


 The RD3 Character Center

The Character Education & Advising Center is a convenient, warm, and comfortable facility students and families can count on for meetings, lodging, testing, and retreats.

The Center is a 5 bedroom, 2 bath home full of potential. Located in a very convenient location that is central to many excellent schools in Connecticut and right in the middle of the New York to Boston corridor, it serves as a home base for RD3 and its clients whenever they are in the area.

With plans to eventually turn the facility into a fully engaged learning and retreat Center for retreats and workshops led by RD3 and its partners, such as "Finding Your Why" and "A Hero's Journey."

The Story

Several years ago, while recruiting students for Choate in London, Ray visited the London Museum of Science, which had a brain exhibit with thought-provoking "props" that made him think deeply about how we function. 


Since then, and with 30 years in the space of student (and character) development, he dreamed of having a "Center" where you "enter and learn" specifically to reflect on your development. 


This is the concept behind the RD3's Character and Education Advising Center (in partnership with colleagues at SNF), which serves as a character-focused learning center, test center, and lodging/retreat facility. 


*** Limited availability for short-term rental by the clients of RD3 and SNF as well as Choate families and graduates while visiting or for student lodging over school breaks.

Want to learn more?

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